When you go traveling, a lot of people struggle to find accommodation which allows them to stay in the thick of the amazing surroundings. Therefore, they might consider camping as a way to ensure they are close to the beach or the mountains. But when you are a glam girl, the thought of camping might make you shudder. However, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world if you go camping. In fact, here is a glam girl’s guide to surviving camping while you are traveling.

Get some small makeup tools and pack dry shampoo.     It’s often the thought of not having access to alter your appearance that leaves girls worrying. After all, who wants to walk around with their spot uncovered and poorly styled hair. But there are some ways you can still work on your appearance while out in the wilderness. For one thing, you could pack a compact mirror which you can use to check out your skin. And then you can take some small makeup which you can use to alter your looks. For example, an eyeliner and lipgloss can make all the difference to make you feel happier when camping. And to ensure your hair looks glam, you could always opt for dry shampoo. After all, it’s the perfect solution to keep your hair in good shape during washes. In fact, it can help to give your hair some shine, so it doesn’t look awful when camping!

Get a stylish bag to hold all your essentials       When you are camping, you need to think carefully about which bag you take to carry your supplies. After all, your normal tote bag might not be the best for all your camping essentials. And you will need to fit in all your emergency supplies as well, just in case you get stuck out in the wilderness. In fact, you might want to look online to find best survival bag. You will be surprised some of the options can actually be quite stylish. For example, you can get a cute duffel bag which will be ideal for holding all your emergency supplies. Or backpacks, which are often quite fashionable these days, would be ideal for your camping needs. And remember to put in essentials which will help you through all sorts of weather. For example, if it’s going to be hot and sunny, you will need some sunnies to help protect you from the UV rays!

Find comfortable but beautiful footwear.      A lot of people think that camping means you will have to choose some boring footwear. After all, comfort has to be a priority when you are going to be in the wilderness. But you should be able to find some footwear which is comfortable and stylish. After all, they aren’t all boring colors nowadays. And a lot of the boots can actually look stylish when paired with a pair of skinny jeans. Therefore, have a look around for some shoes which will be fitting for camping!

And remember that you need to make sure you pack a good sleeping bag which will ensure you stay comfortable while trying to sleep. And, of course, make sure you get a good sturdy tent which won’t cause you to end up soaked in the night.


Featured image: Pexels

Written by Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers is the founder of TGIFguide. She uses her innate skills as a natural “connector” to serve businesses, brands and individuals in the LA area and beyond.