One of the greatest joys of owning or renting a home is that you can personalize it. One of the easiest ways to show off your personality in a home is to purchase and showcase unique furniture. A unique piece of furniture can serve as an interesting conversation piece for guests, while simultaneously representing your personal tastes in style and design. Here are some hints for finding original and unique furniture to spice up your living room:
[highlight color=”red”] 1. Use Craigslist. [/highlight] Craigslist is a great way to find specific pieces you are looking for, because you can type your search query into the search bar. Once you do so, you will be presented with a list of those available pieces in your area. You will be able to sort through the images and decide if any pieces match the vision you have in your head. You may even find that you discover some unique pieces this way!
[highlight color=”blue”] 2. Shop at local boutiques and thrift stores. [/highlight] Shopping at local boutiques and thrift stores is a great way to find furniture if you’re not exactly set on a piece. Boutiques and thrift stores, such as Mission Amish Outlets, have inventory that changes every day; so you may find what you are looking for, or you may end up going home empty handed. This is why it’s a great idea to walk into a local boutique or a thrift store with an open mind. You may end up finding something that you would have never thought about before, but once you see it, you know it belongs in your living room.
[highlight color=”red”] 3. Have research prepared. [/highlight] If you’re going to be out and about shopping for new furniture, you’re going to want to have all the details sorted out so you can be ready to purchase a new piece on the spot. Make sure you measure out the room, and make notes about what dimensions you are searching for when looking for new furniture. Carry a notepad and a tape measure with you when you are out and about, and your search will be made infinitely easier. Also, it can’t hurt to have a paint swatch of the color of your walls so you can verify that your new furniture will match.
[highlight color=”blue”] 4. Do a quality check. [/highlight] Once you have found a piece of furniture that you like, make sure that you perform a thorough quality check. Take the time to make sure that there are no scratches or dents, and that it doesn’t wobble.
[highlight color=”red”] 5. Envision the room. [/highlight] Say you find a piece of furniture that you really like, but you didn’t originally plan on putting it in your living room. This is where you need to take a step back and envision the room how you originally saw it. Now, try to figure out how that new piece of furniture could be utilized. You may find that you come up with several unique alternatives that will increase the piece’s originality. For example, say there’s a coffee table that you really like, but you already have one that matches the sofa. Take a step back and see if you could use it as a breakfast bar or an entertainment center. You’ll find your mind will give you more ideas than you could have ever imagined!
[highlight color=”blue”] ABOUT OUR GUEST BLOGGER [/highlight]
Courtney Gordner is a blogger with a passion for all things fashion, beauty and social media! Read more from her on her own blog,