Holidays are supposed to be relaxing. They’re a chance to forget about the working week and the stresses of home. But sometimes, holidays are the most stressful time of all! Creating itineraries, sticking to schedules, and taking tours is exhausting. We often come back from holiday with less energy than we left with! (How does that even happen?) It’s even worse if you’ve got kids with you. Then of course, there’s the trouble of cramming all your extra work into one week before you leave. For some, a holiday just isn’t the relaxing experience it should be! It that sounds familiar, take our advice, and book one of these super relaxing holidays.

Yoga retreat– There’s nothing quite as calming and relaxing as yoga. It lengthens and stretches those tight muscles and unwinds the knots under your skin. If you’ve built up six months of stress and anxiety, a yoga retreat will help you loosen your body. It also helps empty your mind. So if you’re a workaholic who can’t help checking their emails, yoga will help! A friend of ours recently returned from a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. The following link has all the details you need to take a trip of your own:

Cruise– There’s something incredibly relaxing about looking out on the ocean. The slow movements and endless horizon helps put everything else in perspective. So, what better way to unwind than with two weeks on the calming sea? A cruise isn’t to everyone’s tastes. But, if you love the high-life, and have a desire to travel, it could be just what you need. You’ll spend your time relaxing on the deck, and eating fine food in the restaurants. Bliss.

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Desert island– A desert island is often the workaholic’s worst nightmare. No cell reception, no wifi, and nothing to do for two weeks. However, after two or three days, you start to forget about the outside world. Your only worry is where the next cocktail is coming from, and what freshly-caught fish you’ll dine on. Take your Kindle, and get stuck into that series you’ve been meaning to read. Free your mind of work and stress, and spend two weeks soaking up the sun. Read our guide to the top-ten beaches to find your perfect hideaway.

Spa resorts– Is there any better way to relax than a full body massage? We don’t think so. Take your girlfriends, and get away from the fast-paced world around you. Get lost in serene music, and let your body absorb the warm oils and deep massage.

Take a staycation– Some people find the whole process of holidaying too stressful. Catching flights, navigating a new city, and catching public transport. It’s exhausting. Why not take a week off work, save the money, and enjoy some alone time in your own company? Be a tourist in you own city. Catch up on those annoying little tasks on your to-do list. Spend your morning reading in the local coffee shop. Explore the galleries and museums in your town. Get away from work, but avoid the stress of holiday planning!

Holidays are designed to recharge your batteries. Make sure you indulge yourself, and come home feeling energised!




Written by Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers is the founder of TGIFguide. She uses her innate skills as a natural “connector” to serve businesses, brands and individuals in the LA area and beyond.