If you’re the kind of girl that loves nothing more than a glass of wine at the end of a long day, you’re about to fall head over heels for perfume company Kelly&Jones. Their latest masterpiece is a collection of wine inspired fragrances that let you invigorate the feeling of your first glass with each spritz. So instead of having to wait till the end of the day for your favorite wine, it can be the scent that magically carries you from morning to happy hour and beyond!

The idea was born during a visit to wine country in which Kelly was reprimanded for wearing perfume in the Tasting Room. Thankfully, this innovative lover of scents was immediately inspired rather than embarrassed, and thus came to be her Wine perfume collection. With five scents in all, Kelly&Jones came up with a mixture of both red and white varietals, all intensely varied from nose to notes (wine terms for what you smell first upon tasting, and what smells linger softly in the background, respectively). Each scent has a different ‘body’ as well. And I haven’t even gotten to the best part: they are all specifically designed to enhance your wine sipping experience, so wearing the perfumes while you drink is actually recommended! (Not that we needed a reason to drink more wine.)

I tested each scent, one per day, giving them their respective journeys as fragrances. Each one comes with a cheat-sheet for what flavors and spices you’ll experience, but that is only a fraction of the complexity behind each scent. Here’s a little of what you’ll find inside each bottle.


Sauvignon Blanc: Yuzu Grapefruit, Starfruit, Green Apple, Carmellia
Surprisingly deep, this robust scent blossoms on the skin, and the palate. It’s heavy and heady, evoking a midnight garden in late summer. Immediately warm and welcoming yet refined, this romantic fragrance is as gentle as it is direct. It’s the kind of fragrance you’ll love on date night, or special evening out. It’s one of the more mature fragrances in the collection, making it feel even more luxurious.

Riesling: White Peach, Anjou Pear, Bergamot, Raspberry Leaf
Just what you’d expect in all the right ways: soft, fruity, floral, and lovingly lightweight. It’s almost grassy, giving it a very organic quality that helps to ground this bubbly fragrance. The peach notes are quite fruit-forward, as a wino would say, and the elements together create a very musical, and flirty feeling. It’s the exact fragrance you’d expect on a beautiful woman enjoying a Saturday brunch in Italy. And though we’d all kill to be her, this perfume at least lets us smell as naturally beautiful and decadent as her.

Cabernet: Pink Peppercorn, Black Cherry, Tobacco Flower, Vintage Leather
Certainly the sexiest of the fragrances, this varietal is quite musty and just barely masculine, giving it a powerful edge compared to the other varietals. It’s soft, but very spicy, with pepper immediately greeting the nose that also gives it a velvety touch reminiscent of a french cigarette in the distance. It’s rosy, offering it a sultry element, and very easy to indulge in. There’s no denying that this fragrance is seductive. Not for the meek; this particular varietal is the kind that gets what she wants…

Merlot: Rhubarb, Red Currant, Mission Fig, Candied Violet
Very sweet and very fruity, but still slightly heavy just like the wine. The lightness of the rhubarb mixes perfectly with the weight of fig and current, and this very easy-to-drink, easy-to-wear varietal is the type to be universally loved. It’s more formal than the other scents, in that it smells and feels more like a traditional perfume. It has a classic vibe to it that makes it great for more classically feminine women looking for a kissable fragrance to dance on their neck.

Chardonnay: Honeydew, Toasted Oak, Vanilla Blossom, Creme Brulee
Alright, you’ve already seen the Creme Brulee flavor instilled in this, so you know it’s going to be sweet and delicious. And it is! In fact a bit like wearing a dessert-in a good way. But be warned, this is certainly not the scent for those of us on a diet! Vanilla greets the nose immediately, with a buttery quality that makes the overall scent impossible not to crave. Let me put it this way: if this scent were a celebrity, it’d be Julianne Hough. Sweet, charming, and with an infectious joviality.

I must admit, I am insanely picky about the fragrances I wear. Known to spend hours in the fragrance department, I firmly believe in the Christian Dior logic that a woman’s scent tells more about her than her handwriting. And I am happy to report that each and every scent blew me away. To top it off, every single one passed the ‘boyfriend test’ too! You really can’t go wrong no matter what flavor tickles your fancy.
Additionally, they all paired beautifully with the wines that inspired them, which certainly offered a special touch. But what Kelly didn’t warn me about was what happens when you mix them. Just like wines, a ‘blend’ of two scents can create an entirely new flavor profile that I was able to enjoy thanks to having multiple on hand. When you go for your own taste-testing, keep in mind that there is no wrong way to enjoy your wine of choice, and wearing different scents on different areas can offer an entirely new experience each time you wear them.

[highlight color=”pink”] For a limited time, Kelly&Jones is offering a 15% discount on their new collection to TGIFGuide Readers! Just visit their website at KellyandJones.com, and use the discount code: TGIF. The website has a sample flight available too, so you can test drive each flavor!
Happy Sipping! [/highlight]

photo credit:
winefashionista.com (picture of kelly)
lodiwine.com (picture of grapes)
kellyandjones.com (all photos of perfume)

Written by Guest Blogger