Whether you have booked your tickets or are still thinking about it, if you want to have an amazing time, traveling around Italy is your best option.

Italy is one of the world’s most beautiful countries. Complete with white sandy beaches, snow-capped mountains, and lots of vineyards, Italy is beautiful. Aside from the diverse scenery, Italy is popular because of the vast amount of amazing sights and attractions it has on offer.

While you could just travel to one area of Italy, you would be missing out on all the amazing things on offer. That’s why, if you are planning a trip to Italy, traveling to different areas is the best option. Don’t plan to stay in one place, plan to road trip around the country’s many regions instead.

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The best way to see all of Italy is by road. However, there are a few things that you need to know. For everything that you should know to plan an amazing road trip to Italy, keep reading, below:

Hire your car in advance – The first thing that you need to do is hire a vehicle for your trip in advance. The type and size of the vehicle that you choose will depend on various factors. These include the amount of people you will be traveling with, as well as the size of your budget.

Before booking the vehicle for your trip, make sure to do research on the company that you are booking with. It’s also a good idea to shop around to try to find the best deal on your hire car so that you can stick to your budget.

It’s also a good idea to opt for a hire car that you can collect from the airport and leave at the last destination on your road trip. This will ensure that you have a vehicle as soon as you arrive and don’t have to worry about booking airport transfers.

Create an itinerary- Before you go, get an idea of all the places that you want to visit. From Florence and Siena to Venice and Rome, it’s important that you have an idea of which cities you want to visit. As well as deciding which cities to visit, think about some more unique places to visit, such as some of the mountain villages – these are amazing.

It doesn’t have to be a strict itinerary, just a basic idea of where you want to visit and when. This will make it much easier for you to book accommodation, as you will have an idea of where you will be. 

Book your accommodation before you go- Yes, you might want to go where the wind takes you, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t book any accommodation. Booking your accommodation in advance will not only make it much cheaper but will also ensure that you have somewhere to stay.

You will find that all over Italy there are various types of accommodation available, so where you choose to stay is up to you. From old cottages and simple guesthouses to luxury houses in Italy, there are lots of options on offer. To get a good deal on accommodation, your best bet is to browse online and do some shopping around.

Share the driving- When it comes to planning an amazing road trip, the most important thing is safety. It isn’t a good idea to do all the driving yourself, so select one of your travel group to share the driving with you.

Ideally, the person who you share the driving with should be as experienced as possible. The more experienced, the better, as driving in a foreign country can be incredibly stressful.

Italy is an amazing place to road trip around, just make sure that you do lots of planning. The more prepared you are for your trip, the better.

Written by Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers is the founder of TGIFguide. She uses her innate skills as a natural “connector” to serve businesses, brands and individuals in the LA area and beyond.