Here at TGIFguide we were browsing through and discovered the 100 Most Powerful Celebs list. In case you haven’t heard, J Lo is number 1.

After a year of seeing her tear it up on Idol, create a clothing line for Kohl’s, and lend her beautifully bronzed face to campaigns for L’Oreal & Gillette, it’s obvious Ms. Lopez is rollin’ in the dough.  In honor of her J Lo’s fab style and fierce attitude, not to mention the cool 52 million she’s brought in the past 12 months, here are some of our favorite looks from 2012 thus far:

Written by Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers is the founder of TGIFguide. She uses her innate skills as a natural “connector” to serve businesses, brands and individuals in the LA area and beyond.