Choosing where to go on your family holiday is, whether we like it or not, a delicate negotiation. And for good reason. If you’re going to be spending a couple of weeks or so in close proximity to your children, it’s a good idea to make sure that everybody is happy. That means planning an itinerary that meets their needs. And I don’t mean endless visits to the Punch and Judy show on Brighton pier. I mean stuff that you’ll secretly love too.

Try Scuba Diving      Snorkelling and scuba diving can be a wonderful experience for young, inquisitive minds. There’s every chance your children will get lost in the marine world, uncovering all sorts of creatures under rocks and on the seabed. And because snorkelling involves teamwork it is something that can bring families together. What’s more, it’s one of those things that’s completely suitable and safe for beginners. Definitely something worth checking out.

Go On A Kayaking Holiday      White water rapids coursing through beautiful rock ravines can be one of the most awe-inspiring sights in nature. So it’s no surprise that there has been an uptick in interest in canoeing and family kayaking adventures. Kayaking requires powerful upper body muscles and a high degree of dexterity. Make sure you are well prepared before you set off by carrying adequate water with you, especially if it is hot.

Go Hiking And Walking      Perhaps one of your little ones has been hiking on a school trip or part of their Duke of Edinburgh award. Or perhaps you feel they need to do something that will build their character. Hiking can be tough, so be prepared. But it is also an amazing way of exploring a new place. This is especially true if you’re going somewhere famed for its beautiful, mountainous landscape. Perhaps you’ve planned a trip to the island of Sardinia or are staying on the west coast of the United States. It’s precisely these types of mountainous places you want to consider hiking across. They’re breathtaking.

Discover Canyoning      This is something that is not all that well known, but it involves doing something a little bit like abseiling. At the moment, the activity is gaining rave reviews, and it’s not hard to understand why. You get to descend alongside waterfalls, jump into deep pools, leap and swim as you descend into a deep gorge. Doing canyoning might require you to go a little further afield than you’re used to. But it’s another one of those activities that will engender camaraderie. Will your children be brave enough? More to the point, will you?

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Wildlife    Most, if not all children love animals. And being around animals is a good opportunity for them to develop a sense of empathy for things that are smaller than they are. (Well, mostly) From tiny little frogs to giant sea turtles, you can explore the natural world with them. If you get it right, it will be an experience your children will never forget. And it could prove to be the spark that ignites a lifelong interest in nature.

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Written by Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers

Jacqueline Chambers is the founder of TGIFguide. She uses her innate skills as a natural “connector” to serve businesses, brands and individuals in the LA area and beyond.